Psychology Classics, 1960-75

Virginia AXLINE, 1911-88
pioneer in the use of play therapy

Dibs in Search of Self, 1964

Albert BANDURA, b. 1925
originator of social learning theory

Bobo Doll experiments, 1961-63
Social Learning through Imitation
, 1962
Principles of Behavior Modification, 1969
Aggression: a social learning analysis, 1973

Ernest BECKER, 1924-74
associated with Terror Management Theory

Revolution in Psychiatry, 1964
The Denial of Death, 1973

Eric BERNE (neé Bernstein), 1910-70
popularizer of the idea of Transactional Analysis [TA], distinct from Freudian psychoanalysis

Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy, 1961
Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships, 1964

Edward DE BONO, b. 1933
“The purpose of thinking is not to be right but to be effective.”

The Use of Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step, 1967 [revised 1970]

John BOWLBY, 1907-1990
mother-child relationship; established “attachment behavior” as an area of psychology

Attachment, 1969

Nathaniel BRANDON, 1930-2014
disciple & lover of Ayn Rand

The Psychology of Self Esteem, 1969

Albert ELLIS, 1913-2007
father of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy [REBT]

A Guide to Rational Living, 1961

Erik ERICKSON, 1902-1994
coins the term “identity crisis”

Childhood and Society, 1950 (breakthrough book)
Young Man Luther, 1958
Insight and Responsibility, 1964
Youth and Crisis, 1968
Gandhi’s Truth, 1970

Viktor FRANKL, 1905-1997
Chairs at Vienna: Freud = will to pleasure; Adler = will to power; Frankl = will to meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning, 1946 [breakthrough book]
The Doctor and Soul, 1965
The Will to Meaning: Foundations & Applications of Logotherapy, 1969

William GLASER, 1925-2013
idea of mental health meant taking responsibility for one’s life

Reality Therapy: a New Approach to Psychology, 1965

Harry HARLOW, 1905-1981

“The Nature of Love,” 1958 [paper presented at the 66th annual APA convention]

Thomas Anthony HARRIS, 1919-1995
combines Eric Berne’s transactional analysis and the idea of the three internal voices of parent, adult, child (PAC), with the neuro-stimulation science of the Canadian-American surgeon Wilder Penfield

“I’m OK, You’re OK,” 1967

R.D. LAING, 1927-1989 (British)
important figure in the anti-psychoanalysis, anti-coercive psychiatry movement (phrase coined by David Cooper in 1967) which thrived in the 1950s and 1960s; schizophrenia as “an adaptive response to a chaotic and disordered society”; known by some as “the acid Marxist.”

The Divided Self: an Existential Study in Sanity & Madness, 1960
The Self and Others, 1961
Sanity, Madness, and the Family, 1964
Reason and Violence: A Decade of Sartre’s Philosophy, 1964
Interpersonal Perception, 1966
The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise, 1967

Konrad LORENZ, 1903-1989
one of the fathers of imprinting – the science of animal behavior (ethology)

  • Austrian zoologist, ethologist, and ornithologist: claims only human beings intentionally kill members of their own species.  Related to Robert Ardrey’s The Territorial Imperative published in 1966 that argues that man, like songbirds, are naturally territorial; answered in opposition by Ashley Montagu’s edited work entitled Man and Aggression published in 1968.

On Aggression, 1963

Maxwell MALTZ, 1899-1975
influential “pop psychology” of self-help by a reconstructive surgeon

Psycho-Cybernetics: A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life, 1960

Abraham MASLOW, 1908-1970

  • neither a behaviorist/positivist nor a Freudian, Maslow was part of a third wayof humanistic psychology with his hierarchy of needs seeking actualization
  • known for Maslow’s Hammer:  “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences, 1964
Eupsychian Management, 1965
The Psychology of Science, 1966
The Farthest Reaches of Human Nature, 1971

Rolio MAY, 1909-1994
exponent of existential psychotherapy, along with Victor Frankl

Psychology and the Human Dilemma, 1967
Love and Will, 1969
Power and Innocence: A Search for the Sources of Violence, 1972

Stanley MILGRAM, 1933-1984

Obedience to Authority: an Experimental View [1961], 1974

Ulric NEISSER, 1928-2012
pioneer on perception & memory; attacked behaviorism; considered the father of cognitive psych

Cognitive Psychology, 1967

Carl ROGERS, 1902-1987

On Becoming a Person: a Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy, 1961
Freedom to Learn: a view of what education might become, 1969
On Encounter Groups, 1970

Oliver SACKS, 1933-2015
pioneer in use of l-dopa in the treatment of encephalitis lethargica

Awakenings, 1973

Virginia SATIR, 1916-1988
family systems therapist

Conjoint Family Therapy, 1964
Peoplemaking, 1972

Flora SCHREIBER, 1918-1988
disassociative identity disorder

Sybil, 1971

Martin SELIGMAN, b. 1942
coins the idea of “learned helplessness” in 1967 and its connection to depression

Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death, 1975

B.F. SKINNER, 1904-1990
principle of reinforcement (radical behaviorism); criticized by Noam Chomsky and Ayn Rand

Beyond Freedom and Dignity, 1971

Thomas S. SZASZ, 1920-2012 (Hungarian-American)
libertarian; anti-psychiatry mov’t; suggested mental illness to be “problems of living;” assailed coercive treatments

The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct, 1960
Law, Liberty, and Psychiatry: An Inquiry into the Social Uses of Mental Health Practices, 1961
Psychiatric Justice, 1965
The Ethics of Psychoanalysis: The Theory and Method of Autonomous Psychotherapy, 1965
Identity and Insanity: Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanization of Man, 1970
The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement, 1970
The Second Sin, 1973
The Age of Madness: A History of Involuntary Hospitalization Presented in Selected Texts, 1973 (editor)
Ceremonial Chemistry: A Ritual Persecution of Drugs, Addicts, and Pushers, 1974

D.W. WINNICOTT, 1896-1971 (British pediatrician and psychoanalyst)
object relations theory/developmental psychology; known for ideas of the “true self” & “false self”

The Child, the Family and the Outside World, 1964
Reality and Play, 1971






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